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Hygga Flow

Hygga offers its customers a new way of providing health care services by making smart use of staff resources and leading through information. The innovative and intelligent model is built around Hygga Flow, our modern ERP system. Real-time resource management increases control over functionality, significantly improves staff satisfaction, and enhances the customer experience through modern methods. The model is suitable for both dental care and general healthcare. 

The business value


 Queues reduced to none
✓ Faster access to care
Promoted work stamina for the staff
✓ More treated patients “all at once”
Improved control over operations
 Better clarity of available resources in real-time
 Real-time data to support information-based leadership
Enhanced customer experience through unhurried overall care

Our customer base includes businesses of various sizes operating on both private and public sectors in Finland, Sweden and in Central Europe. This showcases the scalability of our model: we can customize it to suit each unit’s individual needs. Close cooperation with our customers is important to us: the system is continuously being developed by taking customer experiences and future prospects into account. Hygga’s service solutions offer support at every turn: thorough support during every stage of implementation, continuous service support, monthly meetings, advanced training and an individually appointed service chief. The operating model also supports knowledge-based leadership: data gathered of a unit’s operation is freely usable as is. We can also assist in developing operations by analyzing the data.

Proven efficiency

Aalto University research (Nenonen,T. 2015) proves that with Hygga’s operating model unit is able to produce +90% more procedures and to treat +68% more patients annually than the traditional model in relation to the amount of clinical staff.

Source: Aalto University research Nenonen, T. (2015)
