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Hygga Flow in Folktandvården Lindesberg – Final project report

Summary of – Final project report Folktandvården Direkt in Lindesberg 2022


In September 2020, Folktandvården Lindesberg started the project Folktandvården Direkt. The aim of the project was to evaluate a transition from resource-efficient to flow-efficient business management. To enable this transition, the system Hygga Flow has been introduced at the clinic.

The project was carried out in a hybrid model where they have worked with flow efficiency 3 days per week and resource-efficiency the remaining 2 days.

The following objectives were set:

  • Increase flow efficiency
  • Increase the number of patients completed in one visit
  • Improve the working environment for employees
  • Provide increased value to patients, by adapting to the individual patient’s wishes and needs
  • Environmental benefits
    • Reduced use of disposable products
    • Reduced travel

The project is now completed and summarized by customer in a full project report for the period 1st of January 2021 to 31st of December 2021. A summary of the project report follows below. The clinic is very pleased with the results and continue to work with flow-efficient business management.

Starting point

Folktandvården Lindesberg is a dental clinic with nine treatment rooms.  The clinic has worked for a long time with resource-efficient business management that has led to fully booked appointment calendars and a challenge in finding time for follow-up visits, even if it is only need for simple treatments that has been identified at the time of the examination. This has led to unreasonably long treatment periods and very many active patients for the clinic.

The clinic has not had the possibility to admit new patients for 1-2 years and had about 2 years queue for adult check-up before the start of the project.


In order to compare the results, during a pandemic period that clearly differ from previous years, a reference clinic with corresponding patient base and staff composition that works according to resource-efficient business management was carefully selected.

To follow up the project goals, the following metrics has been set.  Results for each metric are also included below. (The results reflect Folktandvården Lindesberg’s operations as a whole, i.e. both days with flow-efficiency and resource-efficiency are included)

  • Duration of treatment period
    • Percentage of patients completed in one visit
      • Lindesberg – 65.5%
      • Reference clinic – 48.5%
    • Percentage of patients completed in 2-30 days
      • Lindesberg – 16.3%
      • Reference clinic – 15.6%
    • Percentage of patients completed in >30 days
      • Lindesberg – 17.5%
      • Reference clinic – 35.8%
    • Folktandvården Direkt also shows very good results for child patients, where 77% were completed during first visit and the childcare is perceived as less stressful than before for the employees.
  • Treatment procedures performed per patient/clinic
    • Lindesberg – 4.0
      • Total number of procedures: 12,854, total number of patients: 3,234
    • Reference clinic – 3.3
      • Total number of procedures: 7,283, total number of patients: 2,237
  • Average hourly income for dentists
    • Lindesberg – SEK 2,811
    • Reference clinic – SEK 2,433
  • Number of new patients (By the definition – patients without any registered procedure for basic examination in the last 6 years at Folktandvården Region Örebro)
    • Lindesberg – 401
    • Reference clinic – 355
  • Queue time in Lindesberg
    • At a control in September 2021, the waiting time for adult check-up patients had also decreased from 2 years to about 3 months
  • Disease prevention/treatment procedures based on risk group regarding caries and periodontitis
    • In general, Lindesberg has a slightly higher average of the number of disease prevention/treatment procedures compared to the reference clinic. (See full project report for details)

In addition to the above metrics, the employee perspective and patient perspective have also been evaluated via surveys. Here is a selection of the results from the employee survey: 75% of the employees fully or to a large extent agree that they have influence on how their work is planned, compared to 58% before the start of the project. When asked if patients are treated flexibly without waiting times, the corresponding figures are 81% after the project compared to 26% before. 69% of the employees agree, in whole or to a large extent, that they recommend the working model Folktandvården Direkt to others.

From the patient perspective, among other things, 75% of patients have responded that it is important for them to get all the treatment they need during a one visit. 98% of patients recommend Folktandvården Direkt to others who need dental care!

The economic perspective also shows positive results where the clinic has been in deficit for several years and it has been turned into a surplus during the project period. The outcome in 2021 compared to 2019 is +1.8 MSEK and 2021 compared to 2020 is + 3.8 MSEK.


The project is very successful and shows good results for all perspectives like flow efficiency, work environment, customer satisfaction and economy. Experience shows that in general, all types of dental treatments can be carried out with flow-efficient business management.

Hygga Flow has been an important tool for the clinic in planning resources, appointments and during the patient visit. Booking the right time for the right patient has proven very difficult. Hygga Flow helps to create greater opportunities for flexibility while effectively maximizing the time for clinical treatment and provides good opportunities for competence development of the employees.

If you are interested to learn more, you are most welcome to contact Anders at: or +46 70 685 3724